In Your Pants

a blog about what goes on in everyday your pants

Friday, February 07, 2003


Everybody's Getting Sick In Your Pants

Josh has strep, one of the girls at work has strep, and I have been fighting off a cold for almost two weeks in your pants. Damn germs in your pants. Though, I suppose going out all the time isn't really conducive to getting better in your pants. So, after this weekend, I'm vowing to take better care of myself in your pants. Until then, I'm partying like a rockstar in your pants.

posted by ninazero at 2:59 PM

Sunday, February 02, 2003


V.D. In Your Pants

You all may be aware of the up and coming holiday in your pants. As a long time bachelorette, I'd planned to do my usual boycotting of Valentine's Day, but today I got an e-mail from BarFly Magazine informing me that there's a Party Bus that night in your pants. 16 bars, 20 minutes apiece, and 40 friends and strangers packed into a bus in your pants. Sounds like a good time in your pants. Also, I found out that Dr. Theopolis will be playing that night in your pants. And my friend Amy has some of her art in a gallery show that's doing it's opening that night in your pants. As usual, so many options, so little time in your pants.

posted by ninazero at 1:42 PM


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