In Your Pants

a blog about what goes on in everyday your pants

Thursday, December 11, 2003


Nearly A Year Old In Your Pants

Probably time to change your pants, no?

posted by Anonymous at 11:24 AM

Tuesday, May 06, 2003


Got Lost In Your Pants

Just when you think it's dead, it comes back to life in your pants. I thought I was the only one who ever checked to see if anyone had visited here in your pants. I don't care how long the hiatus is between just never ceases to be funny in your pants. Therefore, I refuse to let it die in your pants. If you care about me at all, you will throw something up here in your pants. Come on people, I know you don't want me to cry in your pants. Because I'll do it in your pants. Just you watch me in your pants.

posted by ninazero at 7:54 PM

Sunday, April 20, 2003


Epitath. In. Your. Pants.

A three word joke that no-one got in your pants? the famed secret of the freemasons in your pants? A concept too far out for conformed society to handle in your pants? A government conspiracy in your pants?

or did we all grow up and have a party in your pants?

Where are my pants anyways?

posted by Anonymous at 4:34 AM

Tuesday, February 25, 2003


Having A Party In your Pants

This weekend there will be much drunken revelry in your pants. My birthday celebration is going to last four days in your pants. There will be music and dancing and the alcohol will flow, so if you're reading this, you're welcome to come in your pants. Carry on in your pants.

posted by ninazero at 3:09 PM

Saturday, February 15, 2003


Two Out of Three Ain't Bad In Your Pants

Story of my life in your pants. But me and Sadie singing it while driving across the Bay Bridge with a horrified Bob in the backseat makes it all worth it in your pants. I was drunk in your pants. I don't know what Sadie's excuse is in your pants.

posted by keauxgeigh at 4:56 PM

Friday, February 14, 2003


I Want You To Want Me In Your Pants

Yeah, I love that song in your pants. Just thought I'd share in your pants. Happy Valentine's Day to all the suckers in your pants!

posted by ninazero at 2:33 PM

Friday, February 07, 2003


Everybody's Getting Sick In Your Pants

Josh has strep, one of the girls at work has strep, and I have been fighting off a cold for almost two weeks in your pants. Damn germs in your pants. Though, I suppose going out all the time isn't really conducive to getting better in your pants. So, after this weekend, I'm vowing to take better care of myself in your pants. Until then, I'm partying like a rockstar in your pants.

posted by ninazero at 2:59 PM


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